05 Дек 2024 - 00:00
05 Дек 2024 - 00:00
Научные семинары5 декабря 2024 года отделение ИЮПАК «Физическая и биофизическая химия» в рамках проекта №2024-006-3-100 проводит семинар по вопросам терминологии пер- и полифторалкильных соединений.
Доклады семинара можно будет послушать дистанционно (участие бесплатное, необходима регистрация).
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become an issue of global concern. The primary aim of this project is to establish a rigorous definition of PFAS, which takes into consideration the physical-chemical properties of the different classes of fluorinated compounds. Standardizing terminology, classification, and nomenclature of PFAS is expected to facilitate communication and understanding among all the involved players, from research institutions to industrial companies, and regulatory agencies, in agreement with IUPAC’s mission of providing a common language for chemistry and promoting free exchange of scientific information.